What is the best way to take CBD?

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Index Article "What is the best way to take CBD?"
Before continuing with the article I would like to emphasize that THC is the only illegal cannabinoid in Spain. Today, only those products derived from hemp that contain less than 0.2% THC are allowed. This percentage varies depending on the country, so we recommend that you check it before placing any order.

CBD is, at this time, one of the best-known cannabinoids of the cannabis plant. Thanks to the discovery of its multiple therapeutic uses, its applications are increasing. That is why, constantly, more products come to the market with this great component.

It must be emphasized that, according to the legality of each country, its form of application is different. In this article we will address the most common and general methods of consumption.

Stay with us and you will discover everything you need to know to choose your ideal product!

Products - Discover the best way to take CBD

All forms of CBD consumption have a therapeutic effect, but, depending on what you want to treat, one product is more effective than another. Furthermore, there are many types of consumers and therefore, you have to know how to choose the one that best suits your needs.


CBD Sublingual

When we talk about sublingual CBD we are referring to the way of ingesting CBD through drops under the tongue. It is what we know as CBD Oil.

It could be said that this is the simplest and most efficient way to take CBD, since it will allow you to fully obtain its benefits.

Once ingested, you will notice relief for hours.It is advisable to continue continuous and prolonged use over time to benefit from its true therapeutic efficacy.

You can easily consume it. You only have to add the number of drops you need, according to your needs.

If you find that the flavor doesn't convince you, you can always mix them with some food or add them to a drink.

You can also use CBD oil to perform therapeutic massages, since they will immediately relieve your pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Legal Notice: Due to the legislation in force today in Spain, this product is considered for topical use. It is the responsibility of the consumer to inform themselves and understand their duty in the Spanish legal framework. If the user considers consuming the product, he or she must know that, according to Spanish law, he or she is misusing it. CannaBioDelivery is not responsible for misuse outside the current legality in Spain in any product sold of this nature.


CBD Oral

Within this group are CBD capsules, perfect for those people who do not like the taste of CBD Oil.

Both the Capsules and the Oil are within the same level, both reach the bloodstream. There is no one better than the other. You have to choose according to your needs.

To make a difference, CBD Oil takes effect much faster than capsules. However, CBD capsules have a longer effect.

Legal Notice: Due to the legislation in force today in Spain, oral CBD is a product considered for topical and decorative use. It is the responsibility of the consumer to inform themselves and understand their duty in the Spanish legal framework. If the user considers consuming the product, he must know that according to Spanish law, he is misusing it. CannaBioDelivery is not responsible for misuse outside the current legality in Spain in any product sold of this nature.


CBD Tópico

Topical products act directly with the skin's receptors without reaching the bloodstream. They are perfect for all those people who suffer from muscle pain, inflammation or skin irritation.

Within this group there are different types of products. The most common are:

a) Skin products: dentro de esta gama nos podemos encontrar diversas cremas, faciales y corporales, para el correcto cuidado de la piel. Esto se debe a que el CBD ayuda a mantener la piel equilibrada, flexible y sana. Consiguen rejuvenecerla y combatir el enrojecimiento, la sequedad y el acné gracias a las propiedades hidratantes y antioxidantes del cannabidiol.

b) Topical products against pain: this range is characteristic for providing products that immediately help in the pain relief. One of the star products on the market is CBD Gel. You can find this type of gels with heat or cold effect. Depending on the ailment being treated, one or the other will suit you. Although the best thing, without a doubt, is to do a combination of them.

Legal Notice: If you are following any professional skin treatment, do not substitute it without prior notice to your doctor. CannaBioDelivery is not responsible for possible adverse reactions.


CBD Inhaled

Cuando inhalamos CBD entra directamente a los pulmones, llegando casi de forma directa a la sangre. Por ello, es un método en el que se consigue efectos inmediatos.

There is a big difference between smoking and vaping. When we smoke, combustion occurs and produces chemicals that are harmful to our health. However, when vaporizing, these temperature levels are not reached and, therefore, that type of combustion does not occur.

Within this group of products, the best known are:

a) CBD Flowers and Extractions: Depending on the strain, it will have more or less percentage of CBD.

b) Vapes and E-Liquids: These types of products are characterized by having a high concentration of CBD.

Legal Notice: Debido a la legislación vigente a día de hoy en España, las flores y extracciones, son productos considerados de uso tópico y de decoración. Queda a responsabilidad del consumidor informarse y entender su deber en el marco legal español. Si el usuario considera consumir el producto, este tiene que saber que, según la legalidad española, está haciendo un mal empleo del mismo. CannaBioDelivery no se hace responsable del mal uso fuera de la legalidad actual en España en cualquier producto vendido de esta índole.


CBD Comestible

Without a doubt, the most fun way to take CBD.

Although its effect takes longer to be seen (the body has to metabolize it), it is one of the longest lasting.

In Spain, due to current legislation, CBD edibles are not allowed.

Even so, in other countries it is common to find foodstuffs such as: gummies, brownies, cakes, chewing gum, bars, food supplements...

Which product is most suitable for you?

The best way to know which product suits your needs is to experiment little by little with the different ranges and percentages of CBD. Remember to always start with a low dose and increase it as needed.

If you have any questions and don't know what is the best way to take CBD for you, write to us and we will be happy to help you.

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