Know CBD oil and its dosage
Index Article "Know CBD oil and its Dosage" |
It is increasingly common to find products with cannabidiol – CBD. This is because thanks to various scientific studies, more beneficial properties for the care of the body are known every day. This is the case, for example, of CBD Oil.
There are many formats where we can find it: oil, capsules, shampoos, conditioners, facial creams, alcohols, foods, etc.
En este artículo os hablaremos del famoso Aceite CBD para que conozcáis lo más importante:
Properties and Uses CBD Oil
CBD oil, thanks to its properties, helps us recover the body's natural and energetic balance, that is, it helps restore energy in times of stress, insomnia, etc. In addition, it balances the nervous system, combats depressive and/or anxiety states, prevents cardiovascular and diabetes problems, relieves inflammation and chronic pain problems, and fights bacterial infections.
When choosing a CBD oil we must consider several premises: type of spectrum, potency of the CBD oil, carrier oil and oil formulation.
Spectrum Types - CBD Oil
Full Spectrum CBD Oil
They are those that contain all the phytochemicals present in the cannabis plant. Consequently, this type of oil contains traces of THC (maximum 0.2% in Spain) in addition to other types of cannabinoids. Most people who use this variety of oil have noticed improvement. In addition, experts consider this type of oil to be the most effective.
Full spectrum CBD oil is the one with the most active ingredients. The user will benefit from all the potential obtained by letting all the compounds work together. Likewise, it contains other phytochemicals such as terpenes and flavonoids that enhance and complement the effect of CBD.
It is the typology of most natural oil being the least processed.
Greater sensory experience.
High CBD levels.
This type of oil is made with all traces of the cannabis plant and, therefore, contains some THC. It should not give a positive result in any test but, if your work is very demanding with the consumption of this substance, it may be better to use the Pure CBD Oil or the Broad Spectrum CBD Oil, THC-free.
Not suitable for people who are sensitive to THC or suffer from any psychological disorder that may be increased by its consumption.
Broad Spectrum CBD Oil
Unlike full-spectrum CBD oil, it is not made up of all the phytochemicals in the plant. Normally, manufacturers only eliminate THC, although we can find combinations of different cannabinoids.
Al igual que el Aceite de CBD de Espectro Completo, produce el efecto séquito, originado por el trabajo en unión de todos los compuestos activos de la planta. Sin embargo, existen estudios que han demostrado que el uso de las trazas de THC potencian las propiedades terapéuticas del CBD.
Suitable for people sensitive to THC and those who cannot consume this substance, either due to work or illness.
It has demonstrated in studies its great ability to treat stress and anxiety problems.
Therapeutic potency is reduced by eliminating traces of THC.
Less natural than Complete CBD Oil. (There are 4 ways to eradicate THC: using solvents, CO2, steam distillation or lipid extraction).
CBD Oil Isolate
Unlike the previous oils, this one only contains CBD. That is, it does not have any more phytochemicals.
Isolates usually have a higher CBD purity, reaching 99%.
Perfect for users who have been recommended to use high doses of CBD.
Give light to people who live under strict THC laws.
Serve as an alternative to those sensitive to THC or other cannabinoids.
There is no entourage effect and, therefore, its beneficial impact is reduced.
CBD Oil Potency
A la hora de comprar un gotero de CBD observarás que hay un porcentaje en la caja. Esto es la cantidad de CBD por mililitro que contiene el frasco. De tal forma que a mayor potencia de CBD, menos proporción del mismo se tendrá que consumir.
The dose of CBD that should be taken will depend on several factors:
Oil power
Type and intensity of the condition to be treated
However, each person responds differently to CBD consumption. It is very important to start with a low dose and increase little by little. The most common thing is to start with 2mg and increase by 2-5mg per dose until you find the right one.
The power of oils can be classified into:
Low Power | 2% - 5%
Indicated for all those people who are new to the consumption of CBD. Also, low doses are appropriate for children and pets.
Average Power | 6% - 12%
Most people start with this measure even though it has more power.
High Power | 13% - 20%
They are the most popular. People who have already consumed CBD usually opt for this percentage. Users realize that a higher percentage of CBD, despite having a higher financial cost, is more profitable in the long term. In addition, it saves time by not having to continually replace the dripper.
Very High Power | >21%
Indicated for all those people who already know CBD from their experience with its use.
CBD dosage example
A modo orientativo, para que sepas con qué dosis de CBD comenzar, hemos elaborado dos tablas:
Table 1 :
shows the mg of CBD contained in each dropper of oil / mg of CBD per drop depending on the dropper.
Table 2:
to know how many mg of CBD to take depending on the person's weight and the intensity of the ailment to be treated.
Practical example: If I weigh 60 kg and my condition is of severe intensity, I would have to take approximately 18 mg of CBD. The difference in the drops I would have to take would depend on the concentration of CBD in the dropper I have. That is to say:
* 500mg dropper = approximately 9 drops
* 1000mg dropper = approximately 4.5 drops = 4 - 5 drops
* 1500 mg dropper = approximately 3 drops
* 2000 mg dropper = 2, 25 drops approximately = 2 - 3 drops
* 3000 mg dropper = 1.5 drops approximately = 1 - 2 drops
* 4000 mg dropper = approximately 1.12 drops = 1 - 2 drops
Puedes aproximar las gotas a la baja o a la alta en función de tu criterio. El aceite CBD no provoca tolerancia ni ningún tipo de sobredosis. Para más información contacta con nosotros. ¡Gracias!
CBD Oil Dosage Guidance Table
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Carrier Oil
It is the type of vegetable oil with which CBD is mixed. It can be made from hemp, sesame, olive, coconut, etc. Each of them will complement the final product with particular characteristics.
Este aceite es muy importante ya que, el cuerpo no podría procesar el CBD sin ayuda de un aceite portador, consiguiendo así, una rápida absorción.
CBD formulation
Hablamos de la formulación del CBD cuando añadimos al aceite alguna composición especial para conseguir un sabor diferente u otorgarle características específicas. Por ejemplo, si añadimos pasiflora al aceite de CBD, combatirá mejor los trastornos de ansiedad y estrés.
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