Cannabis and CBD: origin, varieties and main cannabinoids

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Index Article "Cannabis and CBD: Origin, varieties and main cannabinoids"

Before continuing with the article I would like to emphasize that THC is the only illegal cannabinoid in Spain. Today, only those products derived from hemp that contain less than 0.2% THC are allowed. This percentage varies depending on the country, so we recommend that you check it before placing any order.

A pesar de que el descubrimiento terapéutico del CBD (proveniente de la planta del cáñamo), actualmente, está alcanzando un gran impulso a nivel mundial, no se trata de algo recién descubierto. El CBD es un cannabinoide más de la planta del cannabis. Los inicios del uso de la planta de cannabis datan del año 8000 a.C en la zona de Asia central. Posteriormente, se difundió su utilización hacia China y más tarde a Occidente.

Civilizations & Cannabis Plant

The cannabis plant has been very important in a multitude of civilizations. Therefore, there are many uses that have been given to it. Some of them are:

China: They used it in the manufacture of ropes, clothing and to treat certain diseases.

India: durante miles de años, los efectos psicoactivos de la planta, fueron muy valiosos para el desarrollo de diversas ceremonias y rituales. Se cree que el cannabis era el ingrediente principal tanto de la bebida védica tradicional como del bhang, siendo mencionado en los Vedas como la bebida favorita de Indra, rey de los dioses. Además, los shivaistas, consideran el consumo de charas (“hachís de dedos”) como una herramienta esencial en la meditación.

Egypt: It was known as a medicinal plant.

Pre-Columbian America: Before the arrival of Europeans, they also knew and used cannabis in medicinal and ritual contexts. 

USA: It was prescribed until the 20th century as a medicine. 

But...So what they consumed in the past was CBD, THC...? 

Since ancient times, this plant was considered sacred, medicinal and magical, thanks to its psychoactive properties, typical of the cannabinoid THC, which does not mean that CBD was not consumed. I explain to you…

The first thing you should know is that a hemp plant can be of three types: Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Ruderalis.

Types of Cannabis Plants

Tipos de Plantas Cannabis

In addition to these varieties there is Hybrid Cannabis, a mix between an indica genetic strain and a sativa one. That is why, depending on their percentage, a more active or more relaxing effect will be achieved.

Interesting, right?

Once you know the types of cannabis plants that exist, it is now important that you know their composition, and this is where THC and come into play. span class="text-bold-web">CBD.

What's it all about?

Bien, pues deciros que una planta de cannabis tiene más de 500 elementos orgánicos, de los cuales actualmente, 113 son considerados cannabinoides. Entre los más conocidos se encuentran: el THC, famoso por tener propiedades psicoactivas y curativas, el CBD, conocido por sus características terapéuticas, y el CBG, menos conocido, pero también con efectos sanadores.

Cannabinoids are found in Cannabis Sativa plants and it is a chemical substance that helps activate the body's cannabinoid receptors. On the other hand, humans are also capable of producing this substance in their own body.

At this point and answering the question at the beginning...

Podemos afirmar que la planta del cáñamo ha sido consumida por numerosas culturas desde hace muchísimos años y, con ello, los muchos cannabinoides que la componen. Así que, en función del tipo de planta y la aplicación que se le dé, esta tendrá una distribución distinta en su estructura química. Cómo resultado, los efectos son muy diferentes.

To help you understand a little more in depth what cannabinoids are and how they affect us, I have prepared this table that you can download at the following link ☺

Click on the link below this phrase and learn about the best-known Cannabinoids of the Cannabis Sativa plant.

You can download the article at the following link:

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