From the garden to the kitchen: how to make cannabis oil

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Index Article "Cannabis Oil"

Before continuing with the article I would like to emphasize that THC is the only illegal cannabinoid in Spain. Today, only those products derived from hemp that contain less than 0.2% THC are allowed. This percentage varies depending on the country, so we recommend that you check it before placing any order.


Cannabis oil has become an increasingly popular companion in the kitchen of those who wish to enjoy the medicinal and recreational benefits of this plant.

The origin of oil dates back to prehistory, when humans discovered the possibility of extracting fats and oils from various natural sources for use in food, lighting, skin protection and other purposes.

With its ability to infuse a wide range of dishes with the active compounds of cannabis, cannabis oil offers a discreet and tasty way to consume this plant.

In this article, we will explore how to make cannabis oil at home, providing a step-by-step guide so you can easily prepare it in your kitchen.

Stay with us and discover how to transform your kitchen with this delicious and versatile cannabis oil!



Cannabis Oil Preparation Steps

Decarboxylation of weed

The first thing we have to do is decarboxylate the flowers, in order to activate the weed.

As we already mentioned in the Article “Cannabis Cookies Recipe” , to decarboxylate the flowers, the following steps are needed:

Cannabis Oil. Steps:

Filtering and Storage

If you prefer, you can download a PDF with the recipe at the following link:

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