Cannabis Cookies Recipe

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Índice Artículo "Receta de Galletas Cannabis"

Before continuing with the article I would like to emphasize that THC is the only illegal cannabinoid in Spain. Today, only those products derived from hemp that contain less than 0.2% THC are allowed. This percentage varies depending on the country, so we recommend that you check it before placing any order.

Para que podáis celebrarlo a lo grande, os traemos una receta de galletas con flores. ¡Muy fácil de hacer!

Utilizaremos las flores CBD White Widow, ya que, son ideales para la cocina al llevar CBD + CBG (perfecto para el sistema digestivo).


Utensilios Receta Galletas de Cannabis - Hemp Blog

Ingredients for the Cannabis Cookies Recipe

Ingredientes Receta Galletas de Cannabis - Hemp Blog

Cookies Recipe - Steps


Decarboxylate Flowers

To decarboxylate flowers in an oven, follow these simple steps:


Make the Butter


Mix all ingredients


Shape the cookies



If you prefer, you can download a PDF with the recipe at the following link:

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